REDLINE -ライカ購入は越えてはいけない線ですか?-



2022年を振り返る。(ほんと、良い年だった!! さて、半年振り返って見て思った事は、まぁ、良く色々買ったな・・・と。 出会いがあると何でも飛びついてますね(笑) さて、後半も振り返ってみよう。 <2022/07> 誰かにレンズ薦めようとしたり・・・ レ…


<今年は良い年でしたか?> 間違いなく、良い年!! そう言って、そう思わないと、何も始まらない!! 今年の目標はね、なんと・・・ ・無理をしない(もう買えないっすよ ・無茶をしない(もう買えないっすよ ・無謀な挑戦をしない(もう買えないっすよ ら…


◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…


◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…

ウィットネスはかっこいい。British sense爆発なのだ!!

◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…


◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…


◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…


◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…

ズミルックス スチールリムと2ndと現行ASPHのゆる~い描写比較。その1

◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…

それは、最後のピース。Summilux 35mm f1.4 1st スチールリムを手に入れた!!

◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…


◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…

ようやくGET!! 念願のミラーレス!! SL2降臨!!

◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…

8枚玉が良いと言われる理由は何であるのか? その2

◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…

8枚玉が良いと言われる理由は何であるのか? その1

◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…


※注:以下の内容を読んでも得をしませんので、 暇つぶしにでも(笑) 時間が無い方は戻るボタン推奨!! ※注:モニター選びの参考にと思ってる方も 参考にはならないと思うので、 戻るボタン推奨だよ!! ※注:ほんとだよ?長いだけだよ。 読んで後悔しないよ…

神戸ぶらり旅 in 夏休み

<その予定は唐突に決まった> 今日は某氏に「外に出ないのはもったいない!!」と言われたので、無目的でウォーキング・・・いや、美味しいもの食べたい旅という事で神戸に行ってきました。 何故か皆の意見がカレーを食べたいよねって事になったので、各地…

Re:ゼロから始めたいカメラ生活 とぼやいて変わるならいくらでも言うよ!!

<自分にあったカメラは日々変わってる?> 不自由を楽に楽しむカメラ。 うん、自分で言っていて意味が分からないけど、ライカのデジタルMシリーズってこんな感じなの。 何故ライカを始めたのか。 社会に出てから、ちゃんとカメラ買って楽しみ始めたんだけど…


◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…


◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…

高いフィルムを買ってしまった。TRI-X 400っていうんですけどね?

◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…


◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…

コレが日出国のオールドレンズ最高峰!!ZUNOW 5cm f1.1 降臨!!の巻

◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…


◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…


言語化できないと、 写真撮ってる意味ないらしい・・・ どこかの誰かが言ったような、言わなかったような。 撮影した内容をアウトプットできないと意味ないらしい。 言語化が出来ないと意味ないらしい。 知らんがな・・・別に学問として勉強してるわけでもな…


◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…


◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…


◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. If you want to know the truth, …

Macを買おうとすると悩ましい2022年。 悩ましい。 何を買うか、非常に悩ましい。 何をするのか。 何ができるのか。 どうしてそのスペックがいるのか。 もう、アップルのサイトで、何度構成変更ポチポチした事か。 望むようなスペックにすれば、金額は跳ね上がる。 抑えめに…


昨年末からお誘いのメールが来てました。アップルストアから。 特定の機種を購入すれば、ギフトがもらえると。 調べてみたら今まで手に取らなかった物が気になってきてしましました。(友人がMacBook Pro買ったというのもありますが) アップルウォッチとMac…


新年、あけましておめでとうございます。 今年も、ゆる~くやっていきたいと思います。 何卒、生暖かくツッコミいただければと思います。 さて、昨年末、本当は2021年の振り返りをしたかったのですが、色々と思うところがあり、疲れてしまっててできませんで…