REDLINE -ライカ購入は越えてはいけない線ですか?-



高いフィルムを買ってしまった。TRI-X 400っていうんですけどね?

◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…


◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…

コレが日出国のオールドレンズ最高峰!!ZUNOW 5cm f1.1 降臨!!の巻

◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…


◆警告始◆ Warning!! To overseas Leica users. This article is not a review. It contains unpleasant expressions and content that does not match the original intention. This article is full of lies and vanities. I haven't written anything abou…


言語化できないと、 写真撮ってる意味ないらしい・・・ どこかの誰かが言ったような、言わなかったような。 撮影した内容をアウトプットできないと意味ないらしい。 言語化が出来ないと意味ないらしい。 知らんがな・・・別に学問として勉強してるわけでもな…